The Ascent

Turn Your Weary Eyes

Turn Your Weary Eyes

Are you weary? Are your eyes tired from the tears you’ve been crying? Is your soul heavy with the weight of what you are walking through? Are you desperate for answers? Are you in need of reprieve from this season of life? Are you wanting the ache of your heart to...

If Your Life Was A Commercial

If Your Life Was A Commercial

Have you ever seen a commercial and thought, “what?” “What does that have to do with anything related to the product?” Seriously, there are some commercials I watched and felt it caused a loss of brain cells!    And for every one of those that are perplexing, are...

Disagreement Doesn’t Equal Hate

Disagreement Doesn’t Equal Hate

There is a desire implanted deep in the core of our being. A desire to be loved. We hunt, seek, beg, borrow and steal to try and fill this longing to be loved.   In the quest to find and be filled with love our very understanding of what LOVE is has been tainted,...

Singing of the Goodness of God

Singing of the Goodness of God

Last night I was folding clothes in the laundry room. I started singing “All my life you have been faithful. All my life you have been so, so good.” (Bethel Worship, Goodness of God)   From upstairs in her room, I heard Lydia sing, “With every breath that I am...

A King’s Helmet

A King’s Helmet

A few weeks ago on Cup of Hope we spent several days talking about lessons from the beach. I feel incredibly blessed to live near the beach and even more grateful for the lessons God raises up on my time at the beach.   Recently I was on a walk at the beach in...

Anyone Else Need a Big ‘ol Hug?

Anyone Else Need a Big ‘ol Hug?

The days, weeks and months have been wearing.  Confession. I need a big ‘ol hug. I could use a never-ending, super-squeezy, bear hug. I could cuddle up in a hug but may never let go.  Do you ever feel like this? Anyone else need a big ‘ol hug? Do you ever feel like...

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