No Longer Running

No Longer Running

“Lord, I offer up this rebel heart So stubborn and so restless from the start I don’t wanna fight You anymore So take this rebel heart and make it Yours Father, I no longer wanna run You’ve broken my resistance with Your love And drowned it underneath the...
Are You Foundation Strong?

Are You Foundation Strong?

There has been a stirring question in my mind ever since writing last week’s blog about the rooster moments that Peter, Jesus’ disciple, had as he denied Christ. The question I have is, “What made Peter so great that he was the one Jesus picked to be the...
5 Fears that Keep Me Unwise

5 Fears that Keep Me Unwise

Have you ever wanted to prove how wise you were and ended up making a decision that was unwise? I have. I have wanted to protect myself, at least I thought that is how it would play out. I wanted to protect my pride.  Here is a recent example. As my career is...

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