The Ascent

Are You Good At Wearing A Mask?

Are You Good At Wearing A Mask?

“You are not good at wearing a mask, are you?” Marshall said to me as we waited in line to get a COVID test before travelling out of state.    Every five minutes or so I pull my mask down and breathe in a big breath of fresh air. The mask makes me feel...

What if I Still Don’t Want to do Christmas?

What if I Still Don’t Want to do Christmas?

As it goes with the year end gargantuan tasks, I have begun tidying up my digital files. You know, the to do’s that never got done! I am typically more organized, but this year...alas, I have procrastinated!   In this case, my procrastination proved to be a...

View from Inside the Box

View from Inside the Box

“I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great,     and you will be a blessing.” (Genesis 12:2)   This is a promise. Given to Abram. From God. Maker of Heaven and Earth.   God’s view about the promise was from outside...

You Screw Up!

You Screw Up!

“You are such a screw up! You mess everything up!    Ever talk to yourself like this? I do. I have become too good at negative self talk. My own words spoken to myself are condemning, crass and severe generalizations. I beat myself up over my mistakes more than...

What Does It Mean To Be Blessed?

What Does It Mean To Be Blessed?

Blessings are found in the hard parts of life, in the moments that bring us to our knees and the moments where we cry out to God. It is in Christ that blessings come. It is in recognizing our need for him that we are truly blessed.

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