The Ascent

What’s My Purpose?

What’s My Purpose?

What's my purpose? Have you ever asked yourself that question? Are you the one who has done all of the personality assessments, and enneagrams to learn about yourself? Do you feel like you were made for something greater? Are you on a quest to uncover your purpose? ...

Remarkable Masked Resilience

Remarkable Masked Resilience

Did you think we would still be wearing masks? I sure didn’t! And yet, here we are in our masks! Luckily there are some cute ones! But these kids, who are back in school wearing masks day in and day out, they are my inspiration!

3 Life-Changing Lessons from a Sandpiper

3 Life-Changing Lessons from a Sandpiper

God is in everything. And lessons about how we relate to Him and how he relates to us are able to be uncovered in all sorts of places. God met me at the beach a few days ago. He met me as I watch a sandpiper scurry around, looking lost, yet trying to catch up. I resonated with the sandpiper. I resonated because I am in constant catch up mode. And it has gotten exhausting. Read and discover what God has taught me about playing catch up through the sandpiper.

No Longer Running

No Longer Running

I’ve spent a lot of my life running. Running from what I heard God asking me to do. Why? I didn’t have the courage to let go of control and trust that He knew best for me. I wanted to do things my way. I wanted to play it safe. But I missed out on how God could use me with a surrendered heart and life.

Inexpressible Joy & A Broken Foot

Inexpressible Joy & A Broken Foot

Life throws us curves, like a broken foot for a active and energetic kid. But it is what we make of them, and how we see them that matters. God can be found in all things. And joy can be found in all things. We just have to be willing to slow down long enough to find joy and find God amid the brokenness.

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