The Ascent

A Heart Torn in Two

A Heart Torn in Two

Today I understand, more than ever, what Paul was saying when he proclaimed to the Philippians, “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. But if I go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. So what shall I choose? I do not know. I am torn...

Open Your Hands O Worshiper

Open Your Hands O Worshiper

How do you balance the extreme emotions that come with good and bad simultaneously? The balancing act develops the heart of a worshiper, and a posture toward God.

At the End of Your Pointing Finger

At the End of Your Pointing Finger

At the end of your pointing finger is a person deeply loved by God. At the end of your critical finger is a person in need of God’s grace and truth. What is your pointing finger demonstrating?

Into the Unknown

Into the Unknown

Have you felt like God is asking you to take a step of faith into the unknown? Did you know that what is unknown to you is known to God, and he will always be with you?

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