The Ascent
5 Honest Impacts of Sorrow
Sorrow impacts our whole being. Mind, Body, and Spirit. But we are not alone in our suffering and sorrow. Jesus, man of sorrow, walks with us.
Blessings in the Desert
God has been faithful to provide, even in the desert. He is always making a way. He is always bringing blessings. He is always at work.
God, What Do You Want From Me?
Have you reached your breaking point trying to muddle through this life your own way? I can relate! But enough is enough. It’s time to surrender.
Faith in Hard Times: Worse Before Better
Today we face a growing emotionally charges and physically fearful season in the US and around the world. No matter what we face, life often gets worse before it gets better, but God is still in control and on the move.
A Pebble at a Time
Do you ever wonder if God hears your prayers for mountains in your life to be moved? What if He does? What is He is? And the mountain is simply moved a pebble at a time?
Blessings through Tragedy
What tragedy are you facing in your life? Can you see the blessings that surround or that have come about because of the tragedy?