The Ascent

Rear View Mirror Guilt

Rear View Mirror Guilt

Since 2016 a group of us in my family have committed to fast and pray at the beginning of each month. 2019 was our fourth year, and as the one who organized the prayer needs and reminded everyone that the fast was coming up, I fell short. There were several months I...

Permission to Fall Apart

Are you walking in a season of grief, yet constantly trying to hold it together? You are not alone, and you have permission to fall apart into the loving arms of Jesus!

The Sun Rises in the East

The sun rise is a daily reminder of the fundamental and undeniable rhythm of God’s presence on the earth. The sun rise is the guiding light, the leading light that makes vision possible. In sun rise in business is the vision statement. The vision statement for a...

Success is Spelled Succession

A 2017 survey by the Family Enterprise USA noted that 32% of family business do not have a succession plan in place and have yet to hand their business off to the next generation.  Psalm 78:5&6 says, “He gave laws to the people of Israel and commandments to...

Silo to Collaboration

How do you break down departmental silos to collaboration? How do you improve cross-functional communication? Picture this. It’s Monday morning. You check the clock, its about five minutes until the weekly staff meeting. And you realize not much has happened this last...

Shiny Objects

Forbes magazine published an article about the dangers of “shiny object syndrome” Chasing after the shiny objects can lead to business challenges that clutter and distract from the mission of the business. New technology, new training systems, new opportunities or...

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