The Ascent

You are Free Indeed

You are Free Indeed

What does freedom feel like? In a word, indescribable. There is something innately profound about the word freedom. For me, it produces the sense of, "I don't deserve this". And it produces a sincerity of gratitude that cannot be communicated with the most eloquent of...

Obedience Above Perfection

Obedience Above Perfection

I walked into my daughters' room this morning to inspect that her chores were completed before heading out the door to school. I walked in, flipped the light on and said, "well, her bed is made...sort of." Just as the words left my mouth there was a check in my...

Grieving the Living

Grieving the Living

Over the last couple of years, whether friends or family, loss has been a frequent source of grief, pain and sadness. There are days when I have grieved more than others, and days when grief has been replaced with sweet memories and laughter. In the last several...

Change of Trajectory

Change of Trajectory

My life was on a path. I had a clear and predictable life plan. I like plans. I like knowing where I am headed. And I like being in control. I don’t know if you can relate to any or all of these statements or not, but I trust you can on some level. And I trust that at...

The Goal

Many businesspeople are hesitant to set goals, personal or professional. The reasons for refraining from goal setting are vast. One of the most common reasons is the fear of failure. The Institute for Faith, Work and Economics concurs noting that only 8 percent of new...

Proper Procedure

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? We have all heard this idiom. And in business it could not be truer. Knowing what steps should come first and discerning priorities is cumbersome and can be overwhelming at times. We are bombarded with choices and opinions....

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