The Ascent

Ascent of a Lifetime

Ascent of a Lifetime

Ascending to the summit of a mountain requires a lot of work – preparation, bodily strain, mental training and spiritual depth - that not everyone is willing to commit to. If you talk to any mountaineer, or anyone who has been on a mentally and physically demanding...

Worth A Million

Worth A Million

This is picture of Grandpa Harold and me on the Christmas before he passed in 2016. This coming weekend would be his birthday here on earth, so I wanted to take a moment and honor the man I got to call Grandpa. My grandpa is the reason I understand that what I do...

Play by the Rules

Play by the Rules

In life, better yet, in culture, it seems the game is played by a set of "pre-determined" rules. But whose rules are they? And why do we have to play by them? I have never been one for rules. Rules of games, for example, I can never remember them. I nearly fall asleep...

Temper, temper.

Temper, temper.

This weekend my Pastor, Randy Shuler, preached a message from the Proverbs 16:32 which says, "Whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city." Perhaps in the past I read these words with misinterpreting eyes...

Fight “MY”Battles

Fight “MY”Battles

Michael W. Smith, Christian singer and musician, penned the song, "Surrounded". The lyrics say, "It may look like I am surrounded, but I am surrounded by you...this is how I fight my battles." The chorus and repetition of these words create a beautiful symphony of...

Will I Run Out?

Will I Run Out?

Have you ever seen the shows on TV about hoarders? Season after TV season dedicated to aiding and assisting those living in unhealthy life situations. Season after season chock-full of men and women who have spent their days seeking "things" to fill a void they feel...

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