The Ascent
The Easy Filter
A few days ago, I sat at the kitchen table knee deep in brainstorming and researching for a consulting client of mine. As I sat there, I heard the rumble of feet from the basement stairs. The voices we excited and high pitched. I braced myself. I knew what was coming....
My Relationship with Food
Food. A necessity for life. A sustain-er of life. A reason to gather together in community. Centerpiece of celebrations. Served in times of mourning. Present in life's occasions. While food is a necessity for survival so often it has become more than a tool to promote...
To Tell of His Works
I'm a sucker for a good story. I love stories of the underdog coming from behind to win the game. The stories of the humble triumph and then arrogant put to shame. Stories of the captive finding freedom. Of the unexpected provision. Of door opened. In short, I love...
Unthinking Animal
The heartache of the wounded can plant a seed of bitterness. And if watered with anger, accusations - justifiable or not - hearts will be hardened, love will be lost, and defensive wall of self-protection get one more layer added to the top. Every harsh and...
A Question of When
Two weeks ago, I attended a women's conference with my church. We were digging into the Bible Study by Lysa Terkurst, It's Not Supposed to be this Way. I went in with the mindset that I would make myself available to other women. It was my heart's intention to...
Your Pattern Precedes You
In my college days I was prone to go over on my cell phone plan minutes. Month after month. I like to blame it on the fact that I went to school far away from family. But the reality is, I was complacent. Going over on minutes was easier than calling to upgrade or...