The Ascent

The Lie Emotions Tell Us

The Lie Emotions Tell Us

In my book, Ascent to Hope: The Rugged Climb from Fear to Faith, I tell the story of my days existing in and through a state of high emotional turmoil. My emotions got the best of me on a lot of days as I sought to make sense of my life and all that was transpiring...

Follow His Lead

Follow His Lead

Marriage has taught me thousands of lessons. Lessons of choosing to love my spouse every day - even when the feelings have ebbed away. Lessons of give and take. Lessons of submission and forgiveness. Lessons of respect and honor. Marriage has been great teacher....

Zip It.

Zip It.

Knowing when to speak and when be silent is a skill all its own. Fact is, we have earned our stripes and often feel the need, no, the burning desire, for someone to "be blessed" by the wisdom we have gained through the experiences we have lived through. But when is...

A Vow to Praise.

A Vow to Praise.

In my days as a campus minister with the Coalition for Christian Outreach (CCO), I learned of God's great timeline -the Bible presented in chronological form. That season of learning may have been a "few" years ago and a lot of water has passed under the bridge since...

A Heart to Know Him

A Heart to Know Him

What does it mean to know God? What does it look like to worship him with a whole heart? These are questions that need to be wrestled with and contemplated. Through my own wrestling with these questions I have come to understand it is hard give my whole heart to God...

What’s Your Measure?

What’s Your Measure?

It's the start of a new year! It's the season when we take inventory of what we have gained and lost from the year behind. The start of a new year brings about a fresh opportunity to wipe the slate clean and embark on a journey toward a "better measure". For many it...

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