The Ascent

Ready. Fire. Aim.

Ready. Fire. Aim.

What does it mean to be meek? Does it mean weakness? Or lack of strength? In the eyes of our modern world, absolutely. Meekness is synonymous with fragility and powerlessness. But just because that is the way our world defines it does not make it true or right....

The Waiting Room

The Waiting Room

Waiting. Waiting well requires patience that often times escapes me. Whether it's waiting for the stop light to change so I can get to work on time, or waiting on God for a miracle, my patience tank can run on EMPTY! In my desire for an answer now, or to see movement...

Speck of Dust

Speck of Dust

Over the last year my husband has been finishing our basement. The framing, dry walling, and tiling produced more dust than I was prepared for. The dust floated and fluttered all of the way to our second floor. Dust travels. It spreads. There was nothing in the house...

The Mic is On

The Mic is On

Check. Check. Is this thing on? Check. Check. Shakespeare penned, "All the world's a stage...and one man in his time plays many parts." We each have roles to play. Parts that only we can perform. We are molded into these roles through open doors and shut ones, through...

The Weight of Honor

The Weight of Honor

Honor. Seems like a straight forward word. But how is it lived out? When I think of what honor means to me I lean toward the Webster dictionary definition which says honor is "a showing of usually merited respect." Usually merited. Hmm. Does this definition represent...

The Key to Success

The Key to Success

Pro Athletes. Movie Stars. Artists. Designers. Grammy Winners. What do all of these people have in common? Success. By the twenty-first century world's standards they have all achieved success. What is the key? How did they find it? I spent the first 10 years of my...

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