The Ascent
The Leap
What holds your feet firmly planted to the edge of the cliff? What thoughts keep your toes clenched in hesitation to the cliffs jagged edge? Is it the "what if's"? Or the potential to fall? Or is it the FEAR OF FAILURE? What of failure? The Bible tells us over and...
Short Order Jesus
"Girls come on up, it's time for lunch." I called to the basement. The sound of hungry feet pounded on the stairs. "What are we having?" my youngest asked. "Mac n'cheese and fruit," I replied with fervor. "Aw..I didn't ORDER mac n'cheese," she said. "What do you think...
As Long as it Takes
My husband and I were headed to the St. Louis Art Museum a few days ago. As we drove through Forest Park, we turned right in front of the Zoo. On the corner stood a mom. Her stroller was parked beside her, empty. Her arms hung to her sides. Her gaze fixed on her...
Hang Up the Gloves
I enter the arena of life a lot of mornings ready for a fight. My dukes are up, elbows in, jaw locked tight. I have the bob and weave down pat. Ready to face the challenges of the day. My stance is set and ready to lung at anyone who challenges my place, my purpose....
Curvy Road Ahead
As I looked at the Curvy Road Ahead sign in this picture it made me think with partial amusement,"wow, this is a great representation of my life!" My trek through this life has been anything but straight. It has been full of twists and turns, unexpected relationships...
After an incredible victory over the Philistine army, the prophet Samuel paused with the nation of Israel to commemorate their triumph. Samuel selected a stone and named it Ebenezer, meaning"stone of help" in remembrance of the victory that God brought them through....