Every Knee Will Bow

Every Knee Will Bow

Every Knee Will Bow   The day Jesus Christ was born the fate of the world changed. Jesus’s birth breathed hope into the darkness of the world. His birth brought new life, freedom, healing, peace, restoration and love.    That’s right. His birth was the...
The Name of Jesus is Salvation

The Name of Jesus is Salvation

The Name of Jesus is SALVATION. Challenges, trials and circumstances of this life can bring us to our knees.   Challenges lead us to the places where we have no words to express the hurt of our hearts. We are struck utterly speechless.    No prayer seems to...
¿Cómo es el Reino de Dios?

¿Cómo es el Reino de Dios?

¿Cómo es el Reino de Dios? ¿Cómo es el reino de los cielos?, ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado esto?, ¿Alguna vez has imaginado cómo será el cielo?, ¿O qué está pasando allí ahora?, ¿O a quién llegarás a ver? ¿O tal vez a qué huele?, ¿Alguna vez has imaginado el cielo?...
Are You Lost?

Are You Lost?

Are You Lost?   Searching? Running? Hiding? Lost your way?   Whatever you are running toward, or running from, do you want to be found?    There is joy in being found. There is relief. There is rest.    All of humankind experiences levels of both...

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