by Stephanie Winslow | Feb 10, 2022 | Blog, Relationships
Envy, Boasting and Arrogance, O My Like lions, tiger and bears, o my, are the nature of envy, boasting and arrogance. “We’re not in DENIAL anymore, Toto.” Of course these – envy, boasting & arrogance- are not words we like to reflect on. They...
by Stephanie Winslow | Feb 4, 2022 | Blog, Faith in Hard Times, Relationships, Una Copa de Esperanza
Ama cuando es más fácil odiar El cumpleaños de mi hermano Zach sería el 20 de febrero. Este año habría cumplido 42 años. Recuerdo que hace dos años y medio estaba preparando el homenaje, pensando: “¿Qué querría Zach que dijera?” “¿Qué querría Zach que este...
by Stephanie Winslow | Feb 4, 2022 | Blog, Faith in Hard Times, Relationships
Love when it’s easier to hate. My brother Zach’s birthday was Feb 20th. This year he would have turned 42. I remember two and half years ago now preparing a eulogy and pondering, “what would Zach want me to say?” “What would Zach want this group of...
by Stephanie Winslow | Jan 20, 2022 | Blog, Faith in Hard Times, Relationships
Live by faith, not by sight: Impossible I sat this morning in my “Cup of Hope” chair in the corner of my office, my heart felt sad, concerned, and heavy. I looked up and on the window sill sat a wooden sign. The sign says, “Faith doesn’t make things easy, it...
by Stephanie Winslow | Nov 16, 2021 | Blog, Relationships
Are You Lost? Searching? Running? Hiding? Lost your way? Whatever you are running toward, or running from, do you want to be found? There is joy in being found. There is relief. There is rest. All of humankind experiences levels of both...
by Stephanie Winslow | Nov 2, 2021 | Blog, Faith in Hard Times, Obedience, Relationships
What’s it Like? What is the kingdom of Heaven like? Have you ever wondered this? Have you ever imagined what Heaven will be like? Or what’s happening there now? Or who you will get to see? Or maybe what it will smell like? Have you ever imagined Heaven? ...
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