Faith at Work

Did you know God cares about your work and your career? Did you know he wants to use you through the work you do?

God cares about your work because he cares about you! You were perfectly designed and made for a purpose that only you can fulfill on this earth. God desires for the work you do to bring glory and honor to him in the same way that say a prayer does or helping a neighbor. In fact, your work is ministry and your work is a demonstration of the character of God to the world around you. When you are feeling overwhelmed by the rat race of business, take a step back and refocus by remembering you were appointed by God to the position you hold. The question now becomes, what will you do with this call and position? How will you allow God’s presence to be made manifest in your work life?

I tried to live my life with faith and work separate, and the more I tried to live that way, the more I felt like an impostor. I did not feel like I could bring my “whole self” into a staff meeting, or budget review or strategy session. Now I can see my faith and my work not only co-exist, I really cannot be the best boss, co-worker, staff person if I leave my faith in the parking lot. My faith affects everything. If you struggle to see this, I pray that these blogs will illuminate to you the great opportunity God is presenting to you to take your faith to work.

The Goal

Many businesspeople are hesitant to set goals, personal or professional. The reasons for refraining from goal setting are vast. One of the most common reasons is the fear of failure. The Institute for Faith, Work and Economics concurs noting that only 8 percent of new...

Proper Procedure

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? We have all heard this idiom. And in business it could not be truer. Knowing what steps should come first and discerning priorities is cumbersome and can be overwhelming at times. We are bombarded with choices and opinions....

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