Faith in Hard Times
If you are facing a time in your life where your circumstance feels overwhelming, hard, or too much to bear you are in the right place.
Life is full of ups and downs. Tragedy and triumphs. Hurts and hopes. These blogs will serve as a reminder that you are not alone, and God is with you, in the hard times. Take it from a girl who has walked through some dark days, but God has used those hard times to draw me closer to his heart and has grown my faith amid the struggle. Join me in the journey of a lifetime of growth and faith in Christ, no matter what the season, celebration or sadness. We are in it together.
What’s it Like?
What’s it Like? What is the kingdom of Heaven like? Have you ever wondered this? Have you ever imagined what Heaven will be like? Or what’s happening there now? Or who you will get to see? Or maybe what it will smell like? Have you ever imagined Heaven? ...
Come to Me
"Come to Me" Are you weary and burdened from the day to day of this life? The speed of going, the compounding nature of doing from the lists that seem never ending. Are you weary from falling short of expectations? Perhaps the expectations of others, the...
Out of Aces: The Story Our Eyes Tell
Out of Aces: The story our eyes tell “Son, I’ve made a life out of reading people’s faces. Knowing what the cards were by the way they held their eyes.” I’m sure you are familiar with this lyric from the vocal stylings of Kenny Rogers, called The...
Is Your Conscience Bothering You?
Is Your Conscience Bothering You? Reclaiming Morality Growing up, if I had a poor night's sleep I remember my mom asking me, “is your conscience bothering you?” I am pretty sure it was something her mom said to her - and probably her mom before her. ...
Power, Reach and Presence of God
Power, Reach and Presence of God: Victory in the Valley And then it hit me, like a ton of bricks. “Satan thinks that he can trap us and cause our faith to stumble in the low valleys of life.The valley’s are the places he thinks he will win.” I was...
You’ve Been Deceived
You’ve Been Deceived: Learning to discern the voice of the Enemy and squash it! “Just one more drink, you deserve it.” “The kids will understand why you left and that you followed your heart’s passion. It’s for them, afterall.” “It’s all up to you.” “If you...
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