Faith in Hard Times
If you are facing a time in your life where your circumstance feels overwhelming, hard, or too much to bear you are in the right place.
Life is full of ups and downs. Tragedy and triumphs. Hurts and hopes. These blogs will serve as a reminder that you are not alone, and God is with you, in the hard times. Take it from a girl who has walked through some dark days, but God has used those hard times to draw me closer to his heart and has grown my faith amid the struggle. Join me in the journey of a lifetime of growth and faith in Christ, no matter what the season, celebration or sadness. We are in it together.
Remarkable Masked Resilience
Did you think we would still be wearing masks? I sure didn’t! And yet, here we are in our masks! Luckily there are some cute ones! But these kids, who are back in school wearing masks day in and day out, they are my inspiration!
Darkness Surrendered to Peaceful Light
Jesus brings his powerful light into the darkness. He brings freedom from addiction. With his light there is peace, hope, love and restoration. Find Jesus and you will find peace.
Inexpressible Joy & A Broken Foot
Life throws us curves, like a broken foot for a active and energetic kid. But it is what we make of them, and how we see them that matters. God can be found in all things. And joy can be found in all things. We just have to be willing to slow down long enough to find joy and find God amid the brokenness.
Survivor, Ring that Bell!
In this family, no one fights alone. When mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, it felt like a sucker punch to the gut on the heels of losing my brother the previous winter. But God has used cancer to demonstrate real faith to me lived out through my mom. She get’s to ring the bell tomorrow. And we will celebrate with her!
Wounded Warrior
We are all wounded. We carry hurt and harm from our past into our present. Out of our wounds we wound. That is out of our wounds left unhealed, we wound. Maybe you have heard the saying, “hurt people, hurt people and healed people, heal people.” The fact is, we...
One Man’s Courage to Stand
I remember the feeling I had as 2020 approached. I could feel it in my bones. I felt, like a lot of people, God was about to do something miraculous. He was about to unleash His presence on the earth. I felt breakthrough and broken chains were coming for many....
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