Faith in Hard Times

If you are facing a time in your life where your circumstance feels overwhelming, hard, or too much to bear you are in the right place.

Life is full of ups and downs. Tragedy and triumphs. Hurts and hopes. These blogs will serve as a reminder that you are not alone, and God is with you, in the hard times. Take it from a girl who has walked through some dark days, but God has used those hard times to draw me closer to his heart and has grown my faith amid the struggle. Join me in the journey of a lifetime of growth and faith in Christ, no matter what the season, celebration or sadness. We are in it together.

The Body Doesn’t Forget: Loss

The Body Doesn’t Forget: Loss

Last Monday when my alarm sounded, I was still, but my heart pounded as if I was unsafe. My heart raced. I didn’t get it. Perhaps I had been having a bad dream. Why was my heart pounding so? I sat up in bed, rubbed my eyes, took a couple of deep breaths and rose to...

A Heart Torn in Two

A Heart Torn in Two

Today I understand, more than ever, what Paul was saying when he proclaimed to the Philippians, “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. But if I go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. So what shall I choose? I do not know. I am torn...

Open Your Hands O Worshiper

Open Your Hands O Worshiper

How do you balance the extreme emotions that come with good and bad simultaneously? The balancing act develops the heart of a worshiper, and a posture toward God.

At the End of Your Pointing Finger

At the End of Your Pointing Finger

At the end of your pointing finger is a person deeply loved by God. At the end of your critical finger is a person in need of God’s grace and truth. What is your pointing finger demonstrating?

Into the Unknown

Into the Unknown

Have you felt like God is asking you to take a step of faith into the unknown? Did you know that what is unknown to you is known to God, and he will always be with you?

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