
Do you know who you are? Do you know your role? Knowing these two things is the critical start of living and thriving in godly relationships

I believe that God calls us to live in community. Within community and within the parameters of relationships our faith is worked out and grows. Relationships are the testing ground for all that we profess to believe with our mouths. Love, friendship, strained relationships each put into motion the opportunity to work out our faith in a way that is impossible should we chose to live in isolation. The blogs articles will lead you to think deeply about how you show up in relationships, how your faith is put on display through relationships and how God uses relationships to display his glory.

The Meaningful Life

The Meaningful Life

My family was blessed last week to have two new additions! Two new baby girls were brought into this world. Of course, my daughters were thrilled that there are more little girl cousins to add to the fold. Buddies and pals for life. Birth and new life always produce...

One More Time

One More Time

"Mess up. Screw up. Of course, you did. You always. Typical. Idiot. Mistake." These are messages that live in my brain. This is a tape that plays when I do what humans do and make a mistake. These are the lies I hear, believe and say about myself when I am not living...

Use Less Words

Use Less Words

The American cultural teaches that "more is better". There is an additional belief that "something is better than nothing". Something of course feels better than nothing because nothing feels empty and void. Nothing stirs up a sense of lack and a lack of control....

There’s an Elephant in the Room

There’s an Elephant in the Room

There's an elephant in the room. Despite its size, smell and disruption to life, this elephant is ignored. The elephant in the room is the always avoided conversation, the ever-omitted situation, the systematically overlooked behavior. Though there have been many...

The Emotion of Loyalty

The Emotion of Loyalty

The CEO of, Marc Benioff stated in an interview "Loyalty is dead." He made this statement as a reference to the millennial generation. If you are one (like me) or know one you know that loyalty among this demographic is quite fierce. But loyalty to this...

Stepping on Blocks

Stepping on Blocks

There is little pain like the pain felt from stepping on a plastic building block. The small size and sharp edges make it prime for hiding between the carpet strands, hidden away, like it is awaiting the perfect opportunity to injure the parent's foot. It amazes me...

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