Speaker Topics

Looking for a hope inspiring message for your event? I will share with you my story, from fear paralysis to a life of hope and freedom. My message of hope includes Christ as the centerpiece. He is the reason I found hope in troubled times and in good times. My message transcends addictions and touches hearts of those who struggle through trials of any kind.

Ascent to Hope

How do you face a debilitating life situation with faith and hope? This is a challenge that I have walked through as I sought to solve my brother’s addiction. Alcoholism was winning over me, it was taking me out, hook, line and sinker because I had let the idea that I could be my brother’s savior take over every part of my life.

I now speak on the HOPE that I have found in Christ Jesus as I have walked the lonely and energy, love and life depleting journey of control. I had to let go of my own version of “fixing the problem” and let God work, mend and mold me into a usable vessel for his Glory and my Good. I share with groups large and small how God made beauty from ashes as I loosen the reigns of control and handed them over to God, the ultimate source of hope and healing.

10 Steps Toward Hope

Living in hope is a journey not a destination. Circumstance to situation, heartache to hardship all require levels of hope and faith. But getting there – getting to a place of hope – can take time. My journey from hopelessness to hope came as God allowed me to walk through ten key steps. These steps introduced me to a new part of knowing God and his heart for me.

I want to share these steps with you as you also make your journey from hopelessness to hope. We can live in hope, peace and freedom. But like anything that is worth doing, it required hard work and intentionality. If you are ready to let go of hopelessness and step into a life of hope, invite me to come and speak to your group. You will not leave the room unchanged. God will bless you through this message as he has blessed countless other men and women just like you who were searching for hope.

Ascent to Know Him

Do you want to leave a legacy of faith behind for the generations to come? Did you know that your legacy you leave behind starts today? It’s what you do, what you say and how you live today that will impact the people around.

If you want to leave a legacy of faith, and have said to yourself you just want to be more discipled but don’t know how to get there or where to start, you have come to the right place. Let me lead you through a discussion about the critical key elements of living an obedient life and the impact that your obedience will have on the generations to come.

Navigating Family Business

Family businesses are glorious yet challenging environments to work in. Whether we admit it or not we all come to the table with expectations, dreams, ambitions of our own version of how the business should operate and what roles each person should fill.

The most challenging part of family business is communicating the expectations each one has and navigating the highs and lows of the currents of business. Communication is key, yet of often it is assumed that because “family” is involved the communication does not have to be as clear.

I speak to families and leaderships teams across the US about critical communication to success between the generations and family members. If you want to thrive and not just survive working in family business, you have come to the right place, and I am here to help you work through it together.

I invite you to reach out to me through my business website, as well.


Taking Faith to Work

Faith at work? I know, it is hard to believe that these two words are in the same sentence. But did you know that God cares about your work? Invite me to your next leadership or group meeting and let me help you uncover how throughout the Bible God demonstrates to us him appreciation for business and how it can be used for his glory and purposes.

Skeptical that God cares about work? If you are, pick up your copy of From the Shop Floor to the Board Room where each week for eight weeks you will encounter truth after truth found in the Bible displaying God’s care and concern for us and the work that we do. He cares about you, so he cares about what you do. It’s that simple.

Book Me to Speak at Your Next Function!

I am passionate about sharing the hope that comes from trusting in Jesus.  

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